As part of the Minimum Standards Lloyd’s has been keen to promote both high standards and consistency in the audit of its Coverholders. With this in mind Lloyd’s issued a common audit scope on 6 February 2014, and a subsequent scope based on Risk, Control and Opinion was issued by Lloyd’s and the LMA in February 2018. Peter Driscoll has carried out numerous Coverholder audits for Managing Agents based on the Lloyd’s audit scopes as well as a number of Coverholder audits for company market insurers with relevant modifications of the Lloyd’s scopes. REVIEW AUDIT is registered by Lloyd’s as a Coverholder auditor firm on AiMS. For details of the various classes of business please see the About Us page.
All Managing Agents outsourcing claims authority are required to demonstrate adherence to Lloyd’s Claims Management Principles and Minimum Standards. The Delegated Claims Management Review (“DCMR”) specifies audits as one of four keys to ensuring that Managing Agents’ oversight of external claims service providers is both effective and cost-efficient. The Lloyd’s audit scope includes a large section on claims. Peter Driscoll has carried out numerous TPA audits which have followed the audit scope, as well as a large number of bespoke TPA audits which deal with more specific issues. The latter may involve the review of specific claims, or a “second sight” service. Peter has also created his own Spreadsheet to record the findings of the claims file review, and this is proving popular with clients. Please see the About Us page for more details.
The Minimum Standards place an obligation on Managing Agents to carry out claims reviews of claims handlers on a random, representative, regular and robust basis. REVIEW AUDIT helps clients establish claims review systems which include regular evaluations of file management; investigation & quantum valuation; communications; case reserve management; expert and litigation management; settlements; customer outcomes; and compliance with core claims philosophy. Peter Driscoll has been carrying out regular independent claims reviews for a Managing Agent since 2014. Peter is also on the Lloyd’s list of independent Claims Reviewers, and has carried out the Lloyd’s CFRs for several Managing Agents.
Under the Minimum Standards Managing Agents must ensure that they have a robust reserving procedure, and ensuring the accuracy of the reserves is a crucial part of the process. REVIEW AUDIT is able to provide an independent review of a Syndicate’s reserves or of the reserves being recommended by a TPA or Panel Law Firm. Please see the About Us page for more details.
Peter Driscoll’s own legal expertise and many years of handling insurance claims means that REVIEW AUDIT is very well qualified to evaluate the quality and cost-effectiveness of claims handling by Panel Law Firms. Please see the About Us page for more details.
REVIEW AUDIT can provide consultancy services to small brokers by undertaking a strategic review of the claims department and the claims handling service.