ReviewAudit And More Consultancy (“REVIEW AUDIT” – formerly known as RAM C) was set up in April 2013 by Peter Driscoll, a solicitor who worked in private practice in the London Insurance Market with over 30 years’ experience in dealing with insurance related issues. REVIEW AUDIT is directed at providing specialist services to the main participants in the London Insurance Market, and Peter provides consultancy services to other well-known insurance service providers.
Lloyd’s Managing Agents – to provide independent audits (primarily in accordance with the Lloyd’s Audit Scope) of Coverholders, TPAs and Panel Law Firms, and to undertake independent claims file reviews. Peter is on the Lloyd’s list of independent claims reviewers, and has carried out the Lloyd’s CFRs for several Managing Agents.
London Company Market Insurers – to similarly provide independent audits of Coverholders, TPAs and Panel Law Firms to ensure compliance with a binding authority or a TPA/SLA agreement.
Lloyd’s Broker – to assist with Coverholder audits or TPA audits, and with any special projects such as a strategic review of the claims handling services.
REVIEW AUDIT can also provide assistance to:
Underwriters with pre-placement checks, policy wordings, and with guidance upon legal providers and TPAs;
Reinsurers with audits of reinsureds; and
Law Firms with independent claims file reviews, and networking.
Simon Clifford of XL – “REVIEW AUDIT provided a technical audit on a solicitors book of business in Ireland. The report was thorough, detailed and succinctly reviewed the required aspects of case handling and provided a structured readable analysis of the performance of the lawyers enabling us to address issues pertinent to continued handling of claims. The audit was conducted with minimal disruption to the subject firm and the report was provided very swiftly after completion of the audit at a reasonable cost. Peter is very knowledgable about the handling of solicitors claims and his expertise was invaluable in giving us a good grasp of the legal and technical issues the lawyers acting for insureds in Ireland face day to day. I would have no reservation about recommending Peter to other colleagues or companies requiring audits of this nature or similar audits of law firms.”